How to Format Your Ph.D. Thesis
A thesis is a research paper written by a candidate in fulfillment for an academic degree or professional qualification stating the writer's investigation, discoveries, and conclusions. Generally, it is an analysis of a chosen topic or subject. For every topic selected, the writer must take a stance, proffer solution, or a better understanding of the topic. With the intent of a thesis, it is structured to explain the purpose, literary stance of the topic carefully, methodology applied, and the discovery of the project.
As a candidate, while putting a finishing touch to your thesis, you should note that there are some guidelines to follow to ensure your thesis is up to standard. The following are ways to format your thesis to avoid rejection or delay.
- Language Of The Thesis
- Length Of The Thesis
- Page and Text Requirements of The Thesis
- The spacing of The Thesis
- Font Size and Page Numbering of the Thesis
The language of your thesis should be in line with that of the school or examination body. Most times, a thesis is expected to be written in the English Language. However, there are exceptions for students whose subject matters are in a foreign language. It is advisable always to check in to ascertain the stipulated language.
The thesis is not to exceed 80,000 words that make up for about 100 to 300 pages in length. These words should be carefully partitioned into suitable sections within the body of the work, such as chapters, main divisions, and sub-divisions.
The page size of your Thesis should not be more than 8½ x 11 inches, with an exception to music candidates who might want to include a musical score in their thesis. For the margins, an inch will suffice.
The spacing for your thesis should be done accordingly, double spacing should be used for the body of the text, while single spacing should be used for the table of content, illustrations, list of figures, list of tables, and lengthy tables. For the footnotes, quotations, and bibliographies, a single line spacing should be used with each entry and double line spacing between each entry.
The approved font for the Ph.D. thesis range from 10-12. The font used must be appropriate so as all characters will be correctly displayed in the PDF format. The chosen font should be applied all through the write-up, including the headers, page numbers, and footnotes. Each page should carry its number and header; if an image should continue on the next page, then it should be numbered the same page as the initial image page with a "continue" in front of the repeated number. Headings should be positioned at the top of any tables, and a chosen pattern should be followed all through the dissertation. While captions should be placed at the foot of any figures.
The above are tips on how to write a professional Dissertation free from errors and a bad outlook. While preparing for your Dissertation, ensure you gather enough information and also read up on the formats suitable for the body or school you are submitting the Thesis to. You can also pay for cheap help with dissertation writing to speed up the entire process. These professionals know how to format a thesis.
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